Create table within entry?

  • Is there a way to create a table (with columns that I can tab between) within an entry (similar to what you can do in Microsoft word or iOS Notes app?)

  • Hi @tachyone

    Yes, you can create a table in an Day One entry by using Markdown. Hope that helps!

  • From what I see on quick review is it seems MARKDOWN is some sort of coding or computer language?

    That is certainly not user friendly for those of us who are not tech savvy. Every other word processor or note app I have used have some sort of user friendly implementation of how to put a small table within the notes. Please consider adding some user friendly implementation of this feature in the future, thank you.

    Just to add a two column table would require me to learn a new coding language, and then each time, do some coding, just to make a small table look nice. There is no other word processor/note app that I am aware of, that requires this kind of coding by the user. (even the most basic app “notes” for iOS, has a simple process to add a table)


  • Ok, so I figured it out, and the table looks ok, but it is a bit cumbersome and something more user friendly like many other notes type apps would be nice. If I add one note with tables every 6 months or more, which is kind of what I expect, I will probably have to relearn the feature or review the instructions every time.

    Also, just as an FYI, your instruction say to add three back ticks, but the picture seems to show two back ticks and an apostrophe or forward tick. It does work with the three backticks as the text suggests.

  • I’d be happy to pass this feedback along to the team on your behalf.

    Your instruction say to add three back ticks, but the picture seems to show two back ticks and an apostrophe or forward tick

    Thank you for bringing this up. I did double-check the documentation, and it appears correct there but not when published. I’ll have to see if we can get that to show correctly after publishing the doc.

  • Has there been any progress with developing an easier way to introduce a table? I have today just started a month’s trial for Day One and will need to introduce a number of tables which will change over time. For example, I wish to record in table to document the cinema I watch, with Directors Name and other features included. I have worked out the Markdown way of making a table but it is counter intuitive and clumsy. Every other piece of software I have used have far easier ways of formatting a table. Thanks.

  • @geoffbillett This is not currently something the team is working on, but the feature request for this is still open.

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